BAE Systems’ Combat Mission Systems business awards The First Electronics Corporation (FEC) Supplier of the Year for ACV Program at its fifth annual ‘Partner2Win’ supplier symposium. Boston, MA — Nov. 14, 2023 — The First Electronics Corporation (FEC), A Trexon Company was named BAE Systems’ Combat Mission Systems business Partner2Win Supplier of the Year Award on November 14, 2023 for the ACV Program. The recognition highlighted FEC’s commitment to operational excellence and ensuring quality deliveries to customers. BAE Systems’ Partner2Win program recognizes suppliers for their success in the areas of operations, quality and procurement. As part of the program, BAE Systems maintains a close relationship with suppliers and creates an environment to share best practices, learnings and innovative solutions to problems. All suppliers awarded this year went above and beyond the call of duty to create the highest quality products for service men and women. “Through our supply base, we are able to continue delivering the combat capability that is essential in both current and future environments,” said Marc Casseres, vice president of operations for BAE Systems’ Combat Mission Systems business. “Our suppliers’ commitment to delivering quality materials to our ground and amphibious vehicle and maritime systems production lines across the U.S. supports our mission to enable reunions between service members and their loved ones.”